1 4lb(ish) Boneless Pork Roast
2 strips of Bacon (from Sherwood Farm in Easton)
enough Red Hawaiian Sea Salt to cover your roast or shoulder
1/8 cup of water (since there is little fat and you don't want the thing to dry out)
First put the two strips of Bacon on the bottom of the Crock Pot. This will give the nice smokey flavor to the pork when all is said and done. I used the bacon afterwards to cook my greens YUMMY!!!
Take out the Pork roast and pat it dry with some paper towels. Give your roast a little massage with the red sea salt. Something about the red and the taste and Alaea? I've never been to Hawaiian I will take the word for it though!
Your roast is now a nice red color and will get a nice crust...it's so good.
Lay that roast on top of the bacon just like so. Try and put the fat side up. That is if there is much fat on the roast.
Pour your water around the roast I used only about 1/8 cup of water.
Set your crock pot for low and go to sleep...good night. It should be ready for your Din-Din the next day!!
There it is with a crust so juicy and tender. So tender that when I poked it that little piece on the bottom literally fell off.
I take this put it on a plate and shred it with two forks...or one fork...or these things...dumb. I separate the juices in a fat separator and pour a little over the meat and return the meat to the crock pot. I actually used a little juice to cook in my greens I got in my CSA box last week. Random field grass...like grass I swear.