Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Breakfast Salad

So here it is and here I am, sitting on a ferry boat crossing the Long Island Sound, 31 years into my life never thinking this would ever happen, but it is. I am eating salad for breakfast, AND I LOVE IT! A few weeks ago I read a book called BORN TO RUN (which I referenced in the Barefoot running post) and as part of the book he was seeking the help of a nutritionist who suggested eating a salad for breakfast. So I was already a barefoot runner, and I have been eating pretty healthy for the past 6 months so I gave it a shot. We had some left over salad and were out of my new favorite Greek Yogurt. So I put it in a bowl, threw some leftover chicken on it and ate it. I was surprised to then feel so great all day that I ate another one the next day and the next. Today is my third salad and I look forward to the breakfast salad. To add protein I either add chopped Walnuts, chopped eggs or leftover chicken. I usually have been adding just a bit of dressing and this time we had run out of the Trader Joe's Greek Feta dressing which was yummy! So I made my own with a little Rice Wine Vinegar, Olive Oil, Crushed Garlic, and pepper.

Also to add to the being the healthiest I have EVER been I got an A+ from my doc who said I have gone from on the brink of Diabetes, cholesterol meds, heart problems, and all that junk to being in pretty good shape! I may even be able to FINALLY pass the Presidential Fitness Test, which I never was able to do. Currently I am at the weight I was at freshman year of HIGH SCHOOL! HIGH SCHOOL! I mean I was think back to when I hit puberty and I swear I went from 60 pounds to 160 over the course of a few months, or weeks, I mean suddenly I wasn't wear the kids clothes and I was wearing men's size 32. Now I wear a men's size 32 and fit into a 32 and LOVE IT and it is actually my size, not my if-I-lie-on-the-bed-and-breathe-in-deep-enough-and-suck-in-my-big-ole-gut-size. I am pleased with myself but could keep going. I still haven't ran my 20 miler and I still haven't done my Marathon. When THAT happens then I will have achieved my goal and a good goal it is!

Well enough of this back to my breakfast salad! Have one they are YUMMY!

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